Tuesday, August 14, 2007

How can I save money?

I have been known to buy things at the lowest cost I possibly can. I've been shocked when I've heard my friends tell me how much they've paid for some things. I know that for some people paying more is just because of convience and time. Sometimes I have been known to pay a little more for something even thought I know I can get a better deal if I wait or drive to another store.

One of my most important ways I save money is when I buy groceries and consumable household items. I save the most buy shopping at a few different places. I don't mean I go to three different grocery stores in the same day. I generally shop at Costco or Sam's club for some items, the Super Walmart for some items, and the grocery store for others. I know which items are cheaper to buy at each place. It takes some practice to learn. Plus, it does change. I'm always looking at prices and making mental notes. I sometimes forget too so I have to look again. Plus, prices do change so you really have to always be looking. That doesn't mean I memorize the prices of everything in the store. I do however try to memorize the prices of my main staples, or things that I usually buy. You can use a notebook to jot down information. But eventually you may be able to have a general idea of what is a good deal and what isn't.

It is also important to look at the price per oz, per item or per pound when determining which is the better deal. I'll give you an example. I went to the store with my brother-in law one day. He was buying some juice. The smaller 32 oz bottle was on sale for $2.79 (about 9 cents per oz). So, he was going to buy two of those. But I showed him that even thought it was on sale it wasn't the best price. The 64 oz bottle was not on sale but it was $4.99 (only 8 cent per oz). So 2 smaller bottles would have been 59 cents more. I know 59 cents doesn't seem like a lot but when you have saved $.59 on 50 items, it adds up to $29.50 If you saved $30 per week on groceries. It adds up to $1560 a year.

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