Monday, May 14, 2007

Mothers Day

Yesterday was a great Mother's Day. I was able to just relax and play Viva Pinata all day. My DH made me lunch. My DKs emptied the dishwasher for me. It was really nice. I really felt good all day. I want to say thanks to my hubby and kids for just taking care of me for the day.

By the way Viva Pinata is really fun and challenging. I've earned 480 achievement points on it already. But I couldn't have done some of those without the help of there is a 75 page walkthrough/faq guide that I downloaded here. It really helps to read it. Of course I haven't read the whole thing. I've skipped around here and there looking for certain info. Once I find it then I want to hurry up and get back to my game to use the information.

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